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Privacy Policy

The website will never provide or sell personal data or information to third parties, unless the user has previously authorized to do so. guarantee transparency and security referring to the collection of Data and Information. Below you find how and why we collect and deal with personal Data.

a) Which Data or Information are collected and how it's made?
Forms and the so called Cookies* are used to better know our clients. The Cookies will collect and save information according to each user's access. It is done with the objective of showing the user the more relevant and interesting content for each user.

Just like the utilisation of our website, giving us the information is optional. The only data needed and obligatory is the email address, because through the email address the communication between users will be done. However, we emphasize that the quality of our service depends pretty much of our client knowledge.

*Cookies are small datas that are saved in your computer and help us to recognize you, when you visit our site again. It is then possible to adjust the website according to your characteristics. Another function of these Cookies are to make us able to better analyse our traffic and clients. We emphasize that the client and user are able to deactivate or block Cookies in their webbrowser. This means that our service will not be as oriented to our clients as with abbled cookies.

b) What do we do with the data and information?
We try to make our service as client oriented as possible with the data we collect. This is the only way to personalise the service. With the Information we collect, we are able to show advertising according to your wishes and avoid unwished propaganda.

The website will never sell or provide information from clients to third parties, unless the user has authorized to do so. However, different general data (such as region) can be published, but such information as address will not be published.

c) Who has access to the collected data?
Individual information and personal data from our clients are by no means going to be sold or given to third parties, unless the user has authorized to do so. In special cases – like advertising campaigns – information groups can be given to promoters, but personal data will never be given. For the different events clients will be able to register themselves and they will be informed which and for what purposes the data will be collected ans used. reserves the right of giving out personal data and information in judicial and administrative cases.